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The Shocking Truth About Health Care in the USA: Facts You Need to Know!”

The Shocking Truth About Health care in the United States: a detailed analysis


The United States (USA) in health care is the first country in the world to be considered one of the best, most expensive and complex systems of health care systems.

The health system is operated by both private and public sectors, including government programs operating like Medicare, Medicaid, and Affordable Care Act (ACA), as well as many private insurance companies here which make the health system so strong.

We will discuss here with you detailed on the structure, cost, challenges and improvements of the American health care system, which will be very useful for your information. Read more…

Health Care in the USA
Health Care in the USA

The Shocking Truth About Health care

1. The accurate overview of the US health care system is a big role in the government and private sector to operate the US health care system smoothly.

Here we share useful information related to the government and private sector with you which are the following.

(A) The health care system in developed such as the US, mainly depending on private health insurance companies.

• The U.S. federal government controls plans like Medicare (more than 65 years and for some disabilities) and Medicaid (for people with low income).

•An attempts to increase health insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) in the US, which is working to strengthen the health system here. The US government provides insurance to its employees, but it can’t be available to everyone, the US government has laid some limits for it.

(B) the role of health care providers here is here in hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies.

American hospitals are private- owned, with for-profit and non-profit features.

2. US health care costs and effects

(A) sufficient amount of funds spent on healthcare in the US

* America is the first country in the world to spend per capita on healthcare the highest in the world.

* Health me in health care in the US

* For nearly 17% of GDP is spent on health services.

* An average U.S. citizen has to spend over $12,000 annually on health services

(b) The main reasons for expensive health services in the US

Insurance companies in the U.S. offer various plans to customers, which increases the cost there. The impact on the health system there which makes the health system expensive here.

2. High prices of medicines – Pharmaceuticals that are available in the U.S. are very expensive than other developed countries.

3. Administrative expenses – Administrative expenses in the U.S. health system are much higher.

4. Innovation and technical advancement in health care – it’s expensive to use new technologies.

5. Malpractice and legal expenses – Doctors have to take additional tests and precautions to avoid lawsuits, which increases the expense.

 3. In the U.S., private health insurance systems

(A) come under employer-

sponsored insurance of around 55% of U.S. citizens. American insurance companies provide services based on monthly premium, deductibles and co-payments.

(B) Government health insurance plans

1. Medicare

• For all senior citizens of over 65 years and some special category disabled.

• It consists of the main four parts: Part A (Hospital Insurance), Part B (Medicare Advantage), Part C (Medicare Advantage), and Part D (medicine coverage).

2. Medicaid

• of low-income families and individuals

• Each state manages this scheme and eligibility criteria can vary.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Obamacare

• After the implementation of this Act in 2010, it attempted to make health insurance mandatory for all.

• Insurance companies have been prevented from refusal to grant insurance based on pre-existing conditions.

  4. The main challenges of the American health care system

The Shocking Truth About Health care

(A) high cost and inequality in reach

•Millions in the US are people who can’t buy health insurance because it is very expensive.

•People there without insurance service depend on emergency medical services, which makes a more burden on the overall health system.

(B) Complexity of insurance system

• Complex rules of government and private insurance plans put general people in a fair trouble.

• Different rules of Medicaid in different states affect access to healthcare. Due to which many troubles are faced,

(C) racial and social inequality

• people here who have suffered more difficulties in racial and social inequality such as African-Americans, Hispanics and other minorities face more difficulties in getting proper health services.

• Lack of access to health care services in rural areas is a big challenge.

(D) Limited availability of mental health services has increased awareness in the US, but services are still not enough for it.

• Coverage for mental health services in insurance plans is in very limited amount

The Shocking Truth About Health care

The Shocking Truth About Health care

5.Major efforts to improve the US health care system

(A) demands Universal Health Care (Universal Health Care)

• Many U.S. citizens and political parties are demanding a Universal Health Care like European countries.

•Some suggestions for this such as:

•Medicare for All – The implementation of the same government insurance plan for all citizens to avail all sufficient healthcare service.

•Public Option – A government insurance plan that is available to people with private insurance options.

(B) Health care technology and telemedicine

• Digital health services for care, such as telemedicine, are becoming very popular in the US.

• Digital health services have increased access to health services in rural areas. Click here

(C) Cutting drugs prices

• The U.S. Government has tried to make new rules to control medicines prices.

• The US government’s aim is to promote General Medicines which will help control the price of Medicine.

The Shocking Truth About Health care

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